Treading Along the Self-Lovin’ Journey

Know Thyself, Heal Thyself
3 min readJul 4, 2021


Welcome the Self-Love Journey and what it has to offer.

If you haven’t already, you should give yourself a hug. A warm embrace to release the endorphins that fill your cup of happiness.

Everybody has their own version of what it means to tread along this journey to self-love. To some, self-love could be sitting in a tub full of bubbles surrounded by dimly lit candles while wearing a mud mask and enveloping in all things that make you feel and look amazing. To others, self-love could be taking the time to get to know yourself, your wants and needs, the people you enjoy having in your inner circle, your overall physical and mental well-being. This journey is for you.

If you are currently treading along this self-love journey, you’re going to reach a level of growth that may come with extremely positive benefits for your mind, body and soul.

I didn’t know I was on a journey to self-love until I realized my place in the lives of others. I was always putting myself last. I was of service for others and easily available and accessible. I did not value myself because I was valuing everyone else. I was putting others on this pedestal of worthiness while I was holding that pedestal, making sure they didn’t fall while I was exhausting all of my energy, leaving none to regain my power again.

Don’t be like me.

The beginning stages of the self-love journey can be difficult and painful. You’re standing in front of a mirror with all of your past mistakes and present failures, emotional outbursts and feelings of isolation and loneliness reflecting back at you. Kind of like a Dark Night of the Soul thing. I would say that it is not for the faint of heart. It is for those who are ready to experience an immense amount of growth in all aspects of life. It is for those who want to heal from their past and continue living their present unapologetically. It is for those who are ready to put themselves up on that pedestal of worthiness.

Because you are worthy.

Everyone is different. Your journey is not going to look exactly like mine. It’s not going to feel the same as your neighbor’s because it is the unique path that was made for you. It was meant for you to follow and meet your higher self.

Once on this journey or if you are currently on this journey, remember to always put yourself first. There is absolutely nothing “wrong” or selfish for thinking about your well-being before anyone else’s. If they can’t respect your first place spot than they can see themselves out of your life. We will not be feeding these vampires our energy anymore.

You should also welcome change and new experiences with open arms. For the longest time I have been avoiding or putting off change and new experiences because I was afraid, anxious, prideful. I believed that I did not need to change. If anything, everyone around me needed to change because I was good. I was anxious and afraid for the future instead of living in the present moment.

Learn to embrace the changes of your inner and outer self. Don’t be afraid to smile and post that cute selfie on social media. Let your anxiety run its course but when it’s done, continue on your journey. Lastly, don’t let your pride get in the way of evolving because the end result will be the beginning of a brand new chapter.

The journey to loving yourself takes time, patience and getting rid of what does not serve you. It’s accepting who you once were in the past and embracing who you are now on this journey.




Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

self-improvement writer | educator | fiction writer